Travel Tips 10: In Case Of Emergency
By Miguel Flores 9 months agoWith the rise of the internet, mobile connectivity, cheaper airfares and all the information about every possible destination only one click away, travelling abroad became more popular than ever. That is why it doesn´t matter in which part of the world you may be, you´ll probably stumble upon at least once a week with a tourist or group of tourists and/or travellers in your hometown.
So, what if you decide to travel abroad for the summer and (God forbidden) something happens? The question of “What can you do in case of emergency?” rises.
Most countries have at least one official representation abroad, being the Embassy the first place that should come up to your mind. Embassies and Consulate offices are often located in the capital cities of whatever country you visit and it is at least convenient to check out their website and write down their phone number, address and if you are going to embark yourself in a deep expedition (like going to the jungle for instance or climbing a mountain within a national park) make sure to send the embassy an email prior to your arrival and give them a call once you arrive.
So, how can the Embassy help you abroad?
There is so much or so little that these offices can do for you abroad, but probably the most important of those would be:
- Issue a new passport in case of missing or stolen passport.
- Make sure your rights as a citizen of your country are being respected in the country you are visiting.
- In case of an accident and/or illness they will direct you to their trusted network of doctors and hospitals. They will also be informing your emergency contacts in your home country about your condition and situation.
The list might not be too extense since it may vary from one country to another but it is very clear that they will do their best to keep you safe and well represented in case you get in trouble abroad, it is also know that if by any reason the country you are visiting happens to be living a situation that would potentially put you and your fellow countrymen in danger, the Embassy or Consulate is the place to go to and be safe.
Keep these travel tips in mind and avoid uncomfortable situations, as we said on a previous post, its better to be safe than sorry!
Enjoy your trip!
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Miguel Flores